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Which Model Models Best?

Here is the scatter plot for the data:

This graph is a scatter plot displaying the depth of water over the period of twenty-two hours.  The graph is titled ‘Tide Data.’  The horizontal axis is labeled ‘Time since Midnight (hours)’ and extends from negative 3 to 25.  The vertical axis is labeled Depth of Water (feet) and extends from negative 3 to 12.  The graph displays the following ordered pairs:  (0, 3.75), (2, 4.4), (4, 5.9), (6, 6.7), (8, 6.1), (10, 4.5), (12, 3.8), (14, 4.5), (16, 5.9), (18, 6.7), (20, 6), and (22, 4.5).

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